Differences between men and women

Are men and women different? We know that men are physically stronger due to higher testosterone levels but, is that the only difference?

Today we are going to talk about the differences between men and women and how we can utilize our innate skills to its fullness.

The skills and behaviors we are going to discuss today are typical in their respective gender. Of course, it is possible that there is a woman physically stronger than a man but for the great majority of humans this is not the case.

To discuss this topic many observations and research have been made on adults and children and many of these different skills are also present in the other mammals of the animal world.

The ability to nurture children is a skill especially developed in women and we can clearly see this in the animal worlds as well. Female monkeys, for example, spend most of their time taking care of the babies and young chimps, while the males spend their time fighting and doing more physically active and requiring activities. This skill is not exclusive of mother as it is present in young girls since childhood.

I have few nieces and nephews that lived close to me when I lived in Italy. When my older brother had his last baby, his two older daughters, respectively 7 and 6 years old were very involved in the nurturing and caring of the newborn baby. This interest was present in the two girls but not in the 4 years old son who was not interested in the nurturing of the baby.

On the other side of the spectrum young boys are more inclined to be more physically active and competitive in their dealings with each other. Boys are usually more prone to fight with each other.

Another big difference between boys and girls is that small girl babies, even in the first weeks of life, are seen intensely looking at the mother’s lips and trying to mimic her movements. This behavior is present only in female infants and we also know that girls can communicate better their emotions and thoughts.

On this communicative mote we also see that little girls tend to play more with each other and care for the relationship that there is between them, while little boys do not.

A study that was made on university student show that there is a difference on how man and women perceive space, in the way they give direction and in the way they orient themselves. Men have a better spatial orientation. They are better at throwing things, understand distances and times necessary to cover them, while women orient with a relative orientation, meaning that they orient based on things they see. The study we took in considerations was made by blindfolding students from the Indiana University and making them walk in the tunnels underneath campus and the male students, most of the time, clearly knew where they were and they could indicate where other building were while women were lost.

Another test was made that showed that women remember the positions of objects in the space in correlation to other objects while men just remember the area where they were.

We just talked about few things, but we know there are many differences between men and women. It is fascinating how scientists can tell the difference between a male brain and a female brain just by looking at it.

There are also differences in how much man focus on one thing and how women are able to do and focus on more things at the time but with less intensity. During a conversation women look in different places and are distracted by different things compared to the man.

There are many more differences between the sexes but this in not what should worry us.

Differences make us unique and special. Women and men complete each other in a wonderful manner. A man cannot live fully without a woman and the same thing is true for a woman as well. Women and man are equal but not the same, we should understand and embrace this truth.


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