a healty divorce
In the United States, almost 60% of marriages will end up in divorce. Why is this number so high and what can we do to prevent this from happening in our family? The most common reasons why people divorce are the lack of commitment in the couple, infidelity, and communication problems that lead to arguments and misunderstandings. Also, our background and how we were raised has a big influence on our success or failure in marriage. First of all, the difference and the gap in cultures, status, and financial assets between the partners could lead to divorce because of contentions on priorities and values, on how we spend our time and our money. Even more though, if the parents of one or both partners are divorced it is more likely that they will divorce, if any of them was raised by a single parent or by gay parents it is also more likely that divorce occurs. Divorce is the legal separation between two married people. There are many separations that take place when a couple divorces a...